Redington ID Reel Review

Redington ID Reel Review

Redington ID Reel Review In this Redington ID Reel review we take a look at this unique reel. It comes at a very attractive price point, however the primary feature is the ability to customer the design which is something you don’t really see until you get to...
Ross Reels Animas Review

Ross Reels Animas Review

Ross Reels Animas Review Ross Reels continually delivers some of the finest looking and performing reels within the industry, and all American-made too. For this Ross Reels Animas review we’ll take a look at a reel that is both high end in performance, but also...
Echo Carbon XL Review

Echo Carbon XL Review

Echo Carbon XL Review The Orvis Clearwater fly rod has gone through many generations over the decades. And there’s a good reason why this classic series has stuck around so long – powerful performance from a trusted brand for an unbelievable price. I got...
Echo Carbon XL Review

Orvis Clearwater Review

Orvis Clearwater Review The Orvis Clearwater fly rod has gone through many generations over the decades. And there’s a good reason why this classic series has stuck around so long – powerful performance from a trusted brand for an unbelievable price. I got...
Echo Carbon XL Review

Echo River Glass Review

Echo River Glass Review While most modern fly rods today seem to have faster and faster action meant to huck streamers and flies at longer distances, there is a growing niche of anglers who want the classic experience of a fiberglass fishing rod. So for this Echo...
Echo Fly Reels

Echo Fly Reels

Echo Fly Reels Tim Rajeff had already been designing fly rods for decades when he started Echo Fly Fishing in 2001.  Since then the champion fly caster has been committed to providing high quality, yet affordable fly fishing rods and reels that are accessible for the...