Redington Classic Trout Review
The sport of fly fishing in the last couple of decades has gotten to the point where anglers are routinely traveling around the world chasing exotic species with a fly rod. And while it’s great that the sport has evolved to that point, the primary use case is still fishing coldwater streams for trout.
Redington is a great company that provides rod and reel options that are tailored for just about every species you can think of. But today we’re going to focus on their rod option specifically for trout fishing. Here is our Redington Classic Trout review.

Redington Classic Trout Background
Redington has been providing a wide array of fly fishing rods, reels, and waders since their inception in 1992. The pacific northwest based company has evolved with the times and offers a rod that is specially designed for just about every single fishing scenario.
In the old days, every rod was made for trout. Calling a rod a Classic Trout rod would seem redundant. But nowadays with specialized rids for euro nymphing, ultra fast action streamer fishing, and two handed spey rods, the Classic Trout rod provides the core functionality for those of us who love wading in pristine streams and chasing trout.
Classic Trout Specs:
Line Weight: 11 different models, 2 through 6 weight
Length: 7’6″, 8‘, 8’6″, and 9′
Model Reviewed: 9′, 4 weight
Weight: 3.1 oz
Color(s): Dark Clay Brown
Action: Medium
Manufactured: Korea
Redington Classic Trout Fly Rod Features

1. Medium action
2. Rosewood reel seat insert
3. Alignments dots
4. Titanium stripping guides
5. Lightweight snake guides
Redington Classic Trout Models
Classic Trout
2 wt 7’6″
4 piece

Classic Trout
3 wt 7’6″
4 piece

Classic Trout
3 wt 8′
6 piece

Classic Trout
3 wt 8’6″
4 piece

Classic Trout
4 wt 8′
4 piece

Classic Trout
4 wt 8’6″
4 piece

Classic Trout
4 wt 9′
4 piece

Classic Trout
5 wt 8’6″
4 piece

Classic Trout
5 wt 9′
4 piece

Classic Trout
5 wt 9′
6 piece

Classic Trout
6 wt 9′
4 piece

Redington Classic Trout Review: Our Take
Since Redington has clearly designated this as their trout rod, we’re going to evaluate it along those lines. We don’t need to cast extreme distances, or huge rod sizes to reel in fish as big as small children. Instead, we need medium, forgiving action. We need sensitivity for nymphing but enough power to throw small streamers.
The Redington Classic Trout is made from an intermediate modulus graphite and comes in weights 2 through 6. While most of the models are 9 foot versions, the lower weights come in sizes as small as 7’6” for fishing small streams and tight spaces.
Redington does not advertise the grade of cork on the handle, but it appears to be about moderate grade. It’s a comfortable grip but the more imperfections in the cork, the more quickly the cork will deteriorate over time.
The aluminum machined reel seat with the rosewood insert is a very nice touch that I like. However the locking mechanism has only a single locking screw. I usually prefer dual locking screws to keep the reel from coming loose, but this isn’t a deal breaker.
And to be honest, the reel coming loose is usually a product of more vigorous casting like when you’re spending all day tossing streamers long distances – something you’re not usually doing when trout fishing.
The rod features a single foot titanium stripping guide and lightweight snake guides. However the spacing of the guides is also spread out a little farther across the rod which decreases line sag and increases sensitivity when nymphing.
The first thing to notice about the rod is the medium action. Increased flex in the rod means that the casting is going to be more forgiving as well as extra flex when fighting fish. The tradeoff with medium action is that you sacrifice a bit of distance compared to a stiffer fast action rod. But like I said above, this rod is meant for casting small to medium distances for trout, not extreme distances in saltwater.
Even with the moderate action I was still able to cast pretty decent distances with this rod. After a visit to my local tailwater there wasn’t any spot that I wasn’t able to reach with this rod. Would I take this rod with me on vacation to the beach? No, but it really performs well when chasing brookies, brownies, and bows.
It’s also worth noting that some of the models come in 6 piece versions which make it easier to travel. A 6 piece rod can more easily fit into a bag or suitcase where a 4 piece rod tube cannot.
This rod features a Clay Brown finish on the blank with the classic Redington logo on the butt section. The not-so-flashy color comes in handy around spooky fish, and the rosewood reel seat insert complements the finish on the blank nicely.
While the looks of this rod are not something to get excited about, the design is extremely functional for the application.
This rod offers a lot of functionality for the price. The affordability of this rod is one of the primary features. In a world where high end rods can easily cost upwards of $1000, this rod really offer a lot of the same features at a fraction of the price.
The Redington Classic Trout is a great fishing rod for entry level and intermediate anglers who are looking for a rod that will deliver the goods without emptying their bank account. It’s specially designed for fishing streams and tailwaters for trout.
There are some bells and whistles missing that the high end rods have. But most of those things won’t affect your ability to catch fish. While I wouldn’t suggest this rod for a lot of applications outside of fishing for trout, it’s a great value for those who are in this space.
Redington Classic Trout Review Pros and Cons
√Very forgiving moderate action
√Lightweight intermediate modulus graphite blank
√Alignment dots
√Affordable price
! Medium grade cork handle
! Single screw lock
Redington Classic Trout Review: Ranking
Composition | A lightweight graphite rod with a forgiving medium action | 7 / 10 |
Performance | Moderate action is forgiving but still has enough power to cover most trout streams | 7 / 10 |
Looks | A muted color choice favors fishing for spooky trout | 6.5 / 10 |
Value | A very affordable option for entry level and intermediate anglers | 7.5 / 10 |

Overall Ranking
7 / 10
Redington Classic Trout Deals
Trident Fly Fishing Product Listing
Amazon Product Listing
Ed’s Fly Shop Product Listing
Trouts Fly Fishing Product Listing
Accessories: Reel and Fly Line

Redington Run Fly Reel

Rio Technical Trout Elite Fly Line
Redington Classic Trout Fly Rod Starter Pack
If you’ve decided to pick up the Echo Shadow II, or found another fly rod that suits your needs, there are some bare essentials you’re going to need to get read yot hit the water. Check out some of our suggestions below:
- Reel – You’ll need a reel that complements the rod. For this we suggest the Redington Run fly reel.
- Fly Line – For fly line we suggest Rio Technical Trout Elite fly line.
- Leader – When it comes to leaders, we really like RIO Fleuroflex leader.
- Clothing – For wading we suggest Redington Sonic PRO Waders and Korkers Wading Boots.
- Flies – Check out this nymph collection.
Redington Classic Trout Accessories
Fly Fishing Landing Net Wooden Frame Soft Rubber Mesh or Waterproof Nylon Mesh Trout Bass Catch and Release Net
